My pace slowed considerably this month, down from 6 to 4 books. That's what happens when you read longer books. By far, the most important book I read was Amy Sohn's "The Man who Hated Women." Every American who cares about women's rights should read this book. It chronicles the era of Anthony Comstock (circa 1870-1910), a crusader who made it his personal mission to rid the nation entirely of what he considered pornography, as well as contraception. He lobbied Congress and was able to get the Comstock Act signed into law. Basically it outlawed all publication or transmission of any material related to sex and contraception. Even worse Comstock was granted the power of a postal inspector, so he could personally enforce this draconian law. Sohn tells the stories of the various men and women (mostly) who Comstock viciously hounded, arrested, and prosecuted--ruining these progressive's lives so thoroughly that he drove several of them to extensive ...