Even the Heavens Conspire Against Those who Suffer

There is a settlement next to our compound. The poor who live there have never received governmental permission to construct and reside in their humble dwellings. So the government is tearing down their houses and removing them one by one. 

No one seems to know what will be done with the land once it is cleared. One rumor I have heard is that it will be turned into a cemetery as Jakarta has run out of space for the newly-dead in this dreadful year where death has ruled so thoroughly.  No rumors have I heard about the fate of the displaced.

And now the rainy season has added its voice to the proceedings. Today massive sheets of water have been drenching Jakarta relentlessly.  The settlement has been saturated and a flood of water, mud, and debris from the destruction process is rising at an alarming rate. Lightning strikes and thunder are roaring all around, raging at the unprotected.  I wonder if indifference is the most powerful force in the universe as most of us on earth and even the rain pouring from the heavens seem to conspire tacitly against those who suffer; indifference can have a greater impact on the fate of some of us than love or hate or any other forces to whom we usually ascribe great power. And though I am observing, I do nothing but write a post, while guarding my health fervently from my secure and dry 17th Floor lookout.


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