The U.S.: In Some Ways the Most Backward Nation on the Planet

It's no wonder the U.S. is a nation where the very large anti-vax crowd is eating horse de-wormer and dying because they refuse to wear masks.  If you stop and think about it, in a lot of ways, the U.S, is the most medieval, Dark-age country I've ever been in, and I have visited 39.  Here are some facts to support my assertion that the U.S. is a very backward country.

*We don't use the metric system.  Every country in the world except us functions with the metric system.  But, talk to the average American about meters and liters and they cry and moan and say it's too hard, when in fact it is so much easier than then antiquated system we currently use.  We are just rigid and too ignorant to change.

*We don't use celsius.  It's much simpler too.  In the celsius measurement system, water boils at 100 degrees and freezes at 0.  The Fahrenheit system is far less logical, but Americans are stubborn and unyielding and unwilling to use this system that the rest of the world mastered years ago.

*We can't tell time.  I remember working in the Netherlands and the U.S. students I supervised melted down every time they saw something like 20:37.  It's not hard to subtract 12 and realize that it's 8:37.  Saves a person the confusion of a.m. and p.m., but we can't seem to cope with that either.

*And we don't organize our dates like the rest of the world.  Almost everyone else on the planet uses the highly logical sequence of day, month, and year (31 August 2021) going from smaller to larger unit of time.  But American dinosaurs have a freak-out attack unless time is organized non-sequential month, then day, then year manner.  Yes, still in the Dark Ages.

*When it comes to science a shockingly large number of Americans won't recognize basic scientific fact.  I can't believe how many people I have encountered or read about won't accept that the Earth is round.  Evolution is considered false.  Climate change a hoax.  A frighteningly large number of Americans live with no greater scientific knowledge than the average person from the 12th Century.
*And three times in the past few years I have encountered idiot Americans publicly berating speakers of other languages in the grocery store demanding they speak English, when it is no business of theirs what another person speaks privately, no matter where.  What horrible rudeness, not to mention arrogance, ignorance, and cruelty.  When you can't even cope with the sound of other languages in your ears, you represent the height of backward ignorance and you show you are unable to compete in an increasingly cosmopolitan global context.

So, it should be no surprise to anyone that so many people in the U.S. are dying because they are living in the Dark Ages.  Though we have been a powerful, wealthy country in the past, we are in the process of collapsing into a third-rate mediocrity of a nation because so many of our citizens are stubbornly ignorant and happily willing to turn America into an even more backward country than it already is because they cling to their beliefs no matter how disproven or outdated--and they insist unyieldingly that the rest of us must follow them, maskless and eating horse de-wormer, into the abyss too.


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